10 years Yunnan organic pu-erh old tea tree raw puer brick tea

Pu-erh tea is made from Yunnan large-leaf varietal of Camellia Sinensis. It is typically processed into compressed cakes, bricks and tuos. Pu-erh is particularly special because it can be aged for decades or longer, always changing and (in most cases) developing more depth and texture. Raw Pu-erh (生茶) is the traditionaC-PE250SK Wholesale 20 Years Old Yunnan Puer Tea Premium Chinese Pu Er Buy Direct China Export Import Puerh Personal Care Products. Drink PuEr tea in autumn, physical,fitness. Drink PuEr tea in winter, warm belly,disperse cold,Increased disease resistance.Organic Wild Tree Mini Tuo Cha Pu Erh Tea This organic pu-erh tea is composed of a select grade of pu-erh compressed into a small birds’ nest shape. Its inky brown infusion is rich and sweetly-flavored, with mineral earthiness and the characteristic musty aroma.500-800 Year Old Gushu Raw PuErh Bing Dao 2018. Powerhouse Gushu made from est 500-800 year old tea trees in Bing Dao. This is a potent tea with a powerful body sensation. Burnt banana and light, fresh apricot sweetness. Edamame nuttiness moving to a pink grapefruit aroma. Very high minerality and rich mouthfeel.Buy Pu Erh tea cakes. Luxury aged, organic Pu-erh teas. Best Pu-erh tea from China, Japan, Nepal and around the world. Tealyra. … 20 Year Aged Iceland Pu’erh Raw. … Old Tree Yue Guan Bai that has an aromatic hay scent, and light sweet woodsy floral taste …A gu shu pu erh from Man Zhuan Shan, one of the six famous tea mountains in Yunnan. It’s a rare, large leaf pu erh consisting of leaves from old trees. An exceptional raw pu erh tea that’s hard to find, even in China. Learn More2006yr Yunnan Lancangjiang 50 years Old Tree Pu’er Tea Small Brick/Raw. … Premium Yunnan Organic Moonlight White Buds puer Pu’er Puerh Loose Leaf Tea Raw. $4.39. Free shipping. Ancient tree pu’erh pu er tea*2013*BingDao in LinCang*357g raw. $170.00. Free shipping. Puer Raw Tea Brick 500G 88 Blue Brick From MengKU 200 Years Old Puer Tea Tree …Organic Aged Pu-erh Puer Tea. Detox、Drain、Refresh、sober up、Calm the nerves、Send fire,The effect is obvious. The Chinese tea history of Pu’er tea is fascinating. Pu’er tea is one of the oldest type of tea in China with a rich history of over 1700 years that can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD).Ms. Tan, the producer of TeaVivre’s Organic Yunnan Ripened Loose Pu-erh Tea, has dedicated herself to her craft for thirty years. When asked about ripened Pu-erh tea, she says that the most important stage of production is the “moisten heaping”, or secondary fermentation. Ms. Tan told us, “The fermentation conditions of pu-erh are very …