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Pu-erh tea suppresses fatty acid synthase expression. Reduce Blood Fat. A 2009 Chinese study conducted by Certificate Assessment Center of Yunnan Pu-erh Tea showed that pu-erh tea reduces blood fats and oxidation damage in rats. Pu-erh tea aqueous extracts lower atherosclerotic risk factors. Reduce Belly FatLemon and tea are meant for each other. From Organic USDA Green Tea with Lemon and Honey to refreshing iced tea, a splash of lemon offers tea many advantages. Brighten your favorite black tea with a lemon wedge or go herbal with soothing Chamomile Lemon Tea Bags. To give your next party or luncheon a classic touch, showcase the delicious flavor …Buy premium loose leaf tea. Luxury Green, White, Oolong, Puerh, Black, Herbal tea. The wide selection of organic teas. Tealyra. Collection #417.Then, relax as the flavor palate shifts to a sweet, lingering finish, rounding off a perfect cup of green tea. Want to give yourself an extra afternoon treat? Try this loose leaf lemon green tea blend as a green iced tea. After all, it won the award for Best Blended Green Iced Tea at the World Tea Expo! Caffeine Content: MediumBlack tea is completely oxidized, and oolong tea is partially oxidized. Both teas go through a natural chemical reaction, which change the taste and color of the teas. Green and white teas are not oxidized. Oolong tea is in between black and green tea in regards to its color and strength. How to Lose Weight With Tea: Pu’erh TeaDrinking tea has been linked to many health benefits, including weight loss. This article focuses on the 6 best teas to lose weight and belly fat.The most popular powerful teas for weight loss are; pu’erh tea, green tea, oolong tea, and black tea. These specific organic teas are known to clean the body and help reduce excess weight quickly! Pu’erh tea is a unique weight loss tea produced from fully fermented tea leaves- it is pro-biotic, and earthy.Puerh tea (Pu-erh), also known as Polee, is a delicacy from the Yunnan province. Doctors in Kunming China reported that drinking Puerh tea helped lower cholesterol levels. Pu-erh tea, with its strong persistent aroma, is also very popular in the Cantonese community due to its effectiveness in getting rid of toxins in the body and helping …