Tea polyphenols 40%-80%UV from Green Tea,Black Tea,Oolong Tea,Pu Erh Tea

Simply sorted by levels of polyphenols they contain, from high to low, they are: green tea > white tea & yellow tea > oolong tea > black tea & pu-erh. Scientific statistic also shows that in heavily fermented teas, higher amount of tea polyphenols will be oxidized and the tea often have smoother flavor. Oxidation / FermentationGreen Tea vs. Oolong Tea Benefits. Green tea is often touted as a wonder drink providing all sorts of health benefits. Studies have shown that this tea can prevent cancer, lower blood pressure, boost the immune system and reduce hypertension.Generally speaking, the antioxidant properties of the six categories of teas tested were in decreasing order of green tea, yellow tea, oolong tea, black tea, dark tea, and white tea. Green tea possessed the highest antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content, which could be due to the minimized oxidation degree of young leaves and the bud …Tea has one of the highest contents of flavonoids among common food and beverage products. Catechins are the largest type of flavonoids in growing tea leaves. According to a report released by USDA, in a 200-ml cup of tea, the mean total content of flavonoids is 266.68 mg for green tea, and 233.12 mg for black tea.What Is Pu-Erh Tea. You’ve probably heard of the true teas such as green, white and oolong teas that are made from the Camellia sinensis plant, but you may not have heard of pu-erh tea.Pu-erh tea, pronounced poo-air, also comes from the same plant and boasts numerous health benefits.However, the effects of the tea polyphenols found in green tea (GT), black tea (BT), and oolong tea (OT) on fat deposition and inflammation, as well as potential mechanisms of action, were not adequately studied. All teas are derived from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, but different processing methods produce different types of tea.Among six major types of tea (white, green, oolong, yellow, black, and dark teas) from Camellia sinensis, oolong tea, a semi-fermented tea, with its own unique aroma and taste, has become a popular consumption as indicated by the increasing production.Representing the characteristic flavonoids of oolong tea, theasinensins are dimeric flavan-3-ols.Oolong tea represents only 2% of the world’s tea, but it’s well-worth discovering (1). It combines the qualities of dark and green teas, giving it several interesting health benefits. For example …Green tea is made using the leaves of the same Camellia sinensis tea plant that are used in other true teas including oolong tea, white tea and black tea. Like oolong tea, green tea is native to China. Today, green tea is widely cultivated across India and Asia although China still produces 80% of the world’s green tea.