Puple Buds Puer Cake from Old Tree,Old Puerh The high quality puer tea cake

These words by J. T. Hunter, author of ‘Wild Tea Hunter’ and ‘The Wild Truth of Tea’, about Wild Purple Buds Sheng Pu Erh Tea might reflect a light tendency of the author towards exaggerations, but every connoisseur of raw (unripened or ‘sheng’ Puerh teas upon trying this tea will immediately understand what is meant.Pu’er or pu-erh is a variety of fermented tea produced in Yunnan province, China. We sell Puerh tea, the finest Sheng Pu’er tea (raw green tea) and Shu Pu’er (ripe black tea) made . We also sell other Oolong tea, Black Tea, Yunnan Green Teas, and China Tea.Origin : Jinggu Country, Yunnan Province, China. Zi Ya Pu Erh tea is one of the most precious tea kinds from Yunnan province and ranks among the purple tea category. Purple bud tea trees of Zi Juan kind (Purple Delicacy) purposefully raised in plantations are a real rarity.By visiting tea gardens, TeaVivre carefully select high quality Pu-erh Tea, including Raw Puerh, Ripe Puerh, Aged Puerh, Cake Tea, Tuocha, Brick Puerh etc. Different from most of other teas, Puerh teas are commonly aged to develop matured rich, mellow, smooth and complex taste. Well-known for helping weight loss health benefit2019 popular Puer Pu trends in Home & Garden, Beauty & Health, Apparel Accessories, Luggage & Bags with Puer Pu and Puer Pu. Discover over 11206 of our best selection of Puer Pu on AliExpress.com with top-selling Puer Pu brands. Shop the top 25 most popular Puer Pu at the best prices!Online shopping for old puerh tea? DHgate.com is a wholesale marketplace offering a large selection of tea labels with superior quality and exquisite craft. You have many choices of chinese high tea with unbeatable price! Take yunnan tea home and enjoy fast shipping and best service! Search by Home & Garden, Tea online and more.Zi Juan, the new Yunnan Purple tea cultivar. Different studies have made summers in China around these teas purple, and in particular to isolate a given cultivar. Already in the 50s researchers research center on Yunnan tea discovered in the region Nanuo trees with both buds and violet leaves.Pu-erh tea (普洱茶), also spelled as pu’er tea, is a variety of fermented tea produced in Yunnan province, China.Fermentation is a tea production style in which the tea leaves undergo microbial fermentation and oxidation after they are dried and rolled.During the hot, humid summer and fall seasons a portion of tea tree buds are purplish red colored. The source of the color is anthocyanin, which changes color along with cell sap acidity. High levels of acidity lead to red color, while medium acidity is more purple, and high alkalinity tends toward indigo. Anthocyanin