pu erh tea benefit slimming tea

Pu-erh tea is unique because it’s made from a natural fermentation process. This process oxidizes the plant’s leaves, amplifying its antioxidant benefits. The tea also offers a number of …Pu-erh tea is a unique type of fermented tea produced in certain parts of China and provides a range of health benefits for those who regularly consume it. There are a number of types of pu-erh tea, including both raw and ripe varieties. The raw type is typically sun-dried and compressed and is the …The Chinese people believes that Pu erh tea has greater and really effective health benefits than other teas available. Puer tea goes through a very special and unique fermentation process that makes it very beneficial to the digestive system, or Spleen as we describe it in Chinese Medicine.4. Pu Erh Tea in weight loss . Pu erh tea is seriously unreal for the earthy taste and for its phenomenal benefits. This tea is one of the perfect slimming tea in the Chinese inventions. The Chinese people spend a lot of time perfecting teas. There are several other teas like Oolong, white, red, yellow and green tea which can help you to slim down.Pu erh tea weight loss, cholesterol & heart health. There are lots of pu erh tea products out there that are marketed as a weight loss product. A cup of pu erh hardly contains any calories, so compared to soda, there are obvious gains to be made. But that can be said also for water and a cup of black coffee.In China, a pu-erh tea is known as a post-oxidized tea.. What this means is that while in the factory, it is made with minimal oxidation. This is achieved by applying heat to the leaves early in the tea-making process, which kills the leaf enzymes and stop the leaves from oxidizing.Pu erh Tea Benefits. 1. Lose Weight. Pu erh tea weight loss effect is significant. If you develop the habit of drinking it, the level of cholesterol and glycerol inside your body will go lower, reducing the risk of overweight, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. A healthy body can also get you rid of the racing heart, cerebral …What Is Pu-Erh Tea. You’ve probably heard of the true teas such as green, white and oolong teas that are made from the Camellia sinensis plant, but you may not have heard of pu-erh tea.Pu-erh tea, pronounced poo-air, also comes from the same plant and boasts numerous health benefits.