Yunnan special loose puerh tea detox tea fit for lower blood pressure

Pu-erh tea can be purchased as loose leaf tea or in solid forms such as bricks, cakes and balls. If your pu-erh tea is the loose leaf variety, simply prepare as you would any other loose leaf tea. If your pu-erh tea comes in a brick, cake or ball, break off small amounts depending on how many cups you are making.Pu-erh tea or Pu’er is a type of dark tea that has its origins in the Yunnan province of China. Learn more about pu-erh tea and its all health benefits. … By doing this, it helps reduce your risk of suffering from lifestyle-related diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and — egad! — cardiovascular diseases.Pu-erh may lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and increase metabolism. Pu-erh is occasionally touted as a ‘diet tea,’ but like all teas, I don’t recommend consuming it as a magical weight loss tool, but rather as an enjoyable part of a healthy diet … Organic Aged Puerh Tea China Pu-Erh Yunnan Ancient tree Loose Leaf Ripe Fermented ….com offers 159 super compressed puerh tea products. About 47% of these are pu’er tea, 46% are slimming tea. A wide variety of super compressed puerh tea options are available to you, such as bag, vacuum pack, and box.Pu-erh tea is known as “black tea” in China and most of the Far East. The tea originated during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 CE) in the Yunnan province of China and named for a city in southern Yunnan. The tea plants in this region are famous for having large, soft leaves spaced wide apart on large, tough stems.Drinking tea for high blood pressure is a simple and natural means of preventing the negative symptoms of hypertension.. What is High Blood Pressure? High blood pressure is a very common health condition in which the force of your blood pushing against the blood vessels is too high. When your blood vessels and arteries are more dilated, there is less force required to move the blood through …Page 1 of 5 – Pu’erh (Puerh) Tea – posted in The Middle Kingdom – 中国: The green tea thread was very interesting but I wanted to put in a plug for my favorite type of tea from our new home province – Yunnan, Puerh tea. I find green tea rather bland personally and read about puerh before I was able to try it. As the article says it has a bold, earthy taste and a beautiful dark, reddish amber …Private Label Organic Loose Raw Pu-erh Tea For Body Detox , Find Complete Details about Private Label Organic Loose Raw Pu-erh Tea For Body Detox,Organic Loose Tea,Private Label Tea,Pu-erh Tea from Slimming Tea Supplier or Manufacturer-Kunming Senze Biological & Technology Co., Ltd.There are types of tea in this world that are simply breathtaking. One such variety is definitely the tea known as Pu-Erh; a type of fermented tea produced in the famous Chinese Yunnan Province. Pu-Erh has a long history of use among the Chinese emperors, and it was certainly permeating throughout the Chinese dynasties. But, … 6 Best Pu-Erh Tea 2020 Read More »Puerh tea is a type of post-fermented tea, puerh tea comes from China’s Yunnan Province and is named after pu’er city in southern Yunnan. Although puerh tea shares some characteristics with black tea and green tea , it shouldn’t be classified as either one of them.