Yunnan jingmai old tree slim fit green puer tea 357g

Puerh tea over the centuries has been used as a form of currency in China and an important international trading item. The tea leaves are collected from growers of a special broad-leaf tea tree, which are said to be related to ancient prehistoric tea trees..com offers 4,060 puer fermented tea products. About 62% of these are Slimming Tea, 0% are Green Tea, and 6% are Black Tea. A wide variety of puer fermented tea options are available to you, such as processing type, packaging, and certification..com offers 2,434 tea puerh products. About 65% of these are Slimming Tea, 76% are Pu’Er Tea, and 3% are Black Tea. A wide variety of tea puerh options are available to you, such as packaging, certification, and age group.About 1% of these are slimming tea. A wide variety of abc organic puer diet tea options are available to you, such as bulk, bag. There are 1 abc organic puer diet tea suppliers, mainly located in Asia. The top supplying country is China, which supply 100% of abc organic puer diet tea respectively.Pu’er Tea products directory and Pu’er Tea products Catalog. B2B Marketplace for suppliers, manufacturers,exporters, factories and global buyers provided by 21Food.com.Atomy Slim Body PUER TEA Pu’er Tea Extract 1g x 30 pcs Puer Tea. … 357g 2016 Organic Yunnan PaSha Ancient Tree King puer Pu’er Puerh Tea Raw Cake. $35.98. 2007 Xiaguan T8633 Yunnan Puer Tea TIE BING Aged Old Qizi Pu’er Raw Tea 357g. $39.98. China Loose Leaf Organic None Flavored Puer tea 5000g Raw Long-term. $280.00.Chunmee tea 9371 AAA is one of the main variety of Chinese greeen tea. Its features thin and graceful, green and bright luster. Aromatic fragrance, delicious and mild … Product Description 1.Place of origin Raw material of Puer tea is from one of the six famous mountains, Jingmai mountain core …Dragon Tea House is a China-based international trading company mainly focus on exporting various kinds of China teas and teawares. We are a leading supplier of high quality bulk tea including BLACK, PU-ERH, GREEN, OOLONG, YELLOW, WHITE and FLORAL TEA. We have complete series of tea accessories.Discountinc.com, Domain. Discountinc.com, Domain Name, Premium Aged 18 Years, Ideal Discount Club, Coupon $1,499.99. Read Details