Round shape mini cooked ripe puerh compressed flavor tea

An exceptionally smooth, rich and chocolate-like tuocha. Comes in a mini “birds nest” shape for easy brewing. Ingredients Ripe (Shou) Chinese Puerh Tea.Handmade Ripe Puer Tea 250g Mini Tuo Tea Cooked Pu Er Cha Chinese Gifts Food Box Menghai Glutinous Rice Fragrant , Find Complete Details about Handmade Ripe Puer Tea 250g Mini Tuo Tea Cooked Pu Er Cha Chinese Gifts Food Box Menghai Glutinous Rice Fragrant,Mini Puerh Cha,Puerh Tea,Mini Tuo In Puer Tea from Pu’Er Tea Supplier or Manufacturer-Puer Yongji Biological & Technique Co., Ltd.Ripened Aged Pu-erh Mini Tuocha … Flaked Pu-erh tea leaves compressed into birds nest shape and individually wrapped. … In fact, when it comes to pu-erh tea, a longer storage and aging period often results in a deeper complexity of flavor and an increase in the tea’s value. Many aged pu-erh teas are served in Chinese restaurants after …High Mountain Mini Tuo Cha is a ripe Pu-erh tea. It gives a very unique flavor as compared to the rest of pu-erh lineup at HOJO. We noticed even those who usually do not like the particular flavor of Pu-erh tea would find this tea pleasant and easy to enjoy its flavor.As a last step, like raw puerh, it is finally steamed and compressed. Cooked puerh cakes are much darker, with leaf tips having darkened considerably to a golden or brown color. Similarly, the liquor of cooked puerh is a deep red or brown color. Puerh in All Shapes & SizesTea cake – Refers to Pu-erh tea that has been compressed into a round disc shape. A tea cake can be made of either Raw or Ripe Pu-erh. A tea cake can be made of either Raw or Ripe Pu-erh. The traditional size of a tea cake is around 7” in diameter with a weight of 357 grams (roughly 12.5 oz).This tea has been stored in Lincang city under dry storage condition, which means that the Pu-erh cake is natural fermentation under the environment of moderate temperature and humidity, ventilation and fresh air and does not absorb moldy odor or any other unpleasant bad odors, which will greatly retain the original flavor of Pu-erh teas.Browse our large collection of ripe pu erh teas such as cakes, tuochas and bricks. Affordable prices & worldwide shipping. This subcategory type of tea is also known as shu / shou pu erh. The term ‘cooked pu erh’ is also sometimes used, though this isn’t very appropriate as there’s no heating or cooking process involved.Pu-erh tea (普洱茶), also spelled as pu’er tea, is a variety of fermented tea produced in Yunnan province, China.Fermentation is a tea production style in which the tea leaves undergo microbial fermentation and oxidation after they are dried and rolled.