oolong jasmine tea

Reviews and information for Jasmine Oolong tea from London Tea Club on Steepster, a community of tea lovers.Dong Ding Oolong. Medium-roasted, this handpicked Taiwanese tea has fantastic, smooth honey and fruity notes. $10.30 per oz. BulkJasmine Oolong is a flower tea with an inviting floral scent and a clean, strong taste, the flavor of jasmine blossoms overlaying earthy oolong undertones.

A quality tea not only tastes great, it’s also good for you. Here are five recently discovered jasmine tea benefits that you can’t ignore.The seductive aroma of night-blooming jasmine perfumes this blend of fancy oolong and green tealeaves with rich body and wondrous pale jade liquor.This most precious of green oolong teas is made more delicate with the gentle scenting of fragrantly sweet jasmine. Creating a hint of perfumed wonder, this

Oolong tea is often scented with jasmine flowers. Jasmine flowers are picked, and the tea leaves are steamed in order to hold scent well. (Often,Ti Kwan Yin Oolong flavored with Jasmine flavor and mixed with Marigold petals. Delicate aroma.Jasmine Tea Oolong tea from the Fujian province of China infused with the delicate scent of the night-blooming jasmine flowers. If you enjoy jasmine tea.

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