Hand-made Yunnan fields and select puer tea cake

Premium Raw Pu-erh Tea Hand-made Cake BanZhang Collectibles Sheng Puer Tea 357g. $31.23. $62.46. … C-PE367 Premium Old Cooked Puer Tea Cake Chinese Yunnan Ripe Pu-erh The Older The More Fragrant 200g. … Select PayPal Credit at checkout to have the option to pay over time.Yunnan Sourcing Brand was first produced in 2009! We select the finest Ripe and Raw Pu-erh teas from Yunnan province and offer them to our customers at a very reasonable price. Our Raw Pu-erh tea productions are produced mostly from single village or mountain sources in small batches. All our raw cakes are processed atShu ( ripe ) or Shou Pu-Erh tea. The wò duī fermentation process is an accelerated fermentation into “ripe” shou cha. Originally developed by the Kunming Tea Factory in 1973 and then continued by Menghai factory. Yunnan shu pu-erh tea from Menghai , Bao Shan, , Lin Cang, Pu’er ( Simao ) and Myanmar.Research and clinical trials in the medical field have proved that Pu-erh tea in Yunnan Province has a suppressive effect and that concentrated tea juice can be taken on a daily basis for 10 times to treat bacterial dysentery, which is directly related to the tea polyphenols rich in Yunnan big leaf tea. Pu-erh tea Anti-Aging.A wide variety of yunnan pu er tea options are available to you, such as hand made, blended, and raw. You can also choose from bag, box, and bulk. As well as from fda, haccp, and brc. There are 728 yunnan pu er tea suppliers, mainly located in Asia. The top supplying country or region is China, which supply 100% of yunnan pu er tea respectively.Pu’er or pu-erh is a variety of fermented tea produced in the Yunnan province of China. Fermentation in the context of tea production involves microbial fermentation and oxidation of the tea leaves, after they have been dried and rolled. This process is a Chinese specialty and produces tea known as 黑茶 hēichá (literally, ‘black tea’) commonly translated as ‘dark tea’.Home / Tea / Dark Tea / Sheng Pu Bing – 2016 Handmade Yunnan Wuliang High Mountain Raw Pu’er Tea Cake from ancient trees. … The kind of teas could be called High Mountian Tea 高山茶, the tea fields‘ height above sea level must be higher than 800 meters.Best Design for China Tea Yunnan Pu Er Tea Chang Yun Tea Cake Seven Tea Trees In The Old Class Chapter Tea Bag Mail 2019. When you choose it’s time to select new pieces China Tea Yunnan Pu Er Tea Chang Yun Tea Cake Seven Tea Trees In The Old Class Chapter Tea Bag Mail for your house, We can sort out Every Single Day Affordable Prices.This is Xiao Yao’s blend of powerful spring teas! If you are looking for a balanced thick and complex pu-erh tea for aging then look no further! Stone-pressed in the traditional manner. Wrapper design by Jake Knapp 250 grams per cake (7 cakes per bamboo tong) 90 kilograms in total This tea has been tested in a cer