Good China Packaging pu erh tea

Pu’er or pu–erh is a variety of fermented tea produced in the Yunnan province of China. Fermentation in the context of tea production involves microbial fermentation and oxidation of the tea leaves, after they have been dried and rolled. This process is a Chinese specialty and produces tea known as 黑茶 hēichá (literally, ‘black tea’) commonly translated as ‘dark tea’.Like many other types of tea, Pu-erh tea is also associated with weight loss. Because of its various properties, this tea usually found in China is linked to weight loss. However, it is essential to know how many cups of Pu-erh tea you can drink per day so you can stay on the healthy side and take full advantages of drinking Pu-erh tea.You can also buy Pu-Erh in tea bag packaging. But, if you want to get more authentic taste from this amazing tea, you can brew Pu-Erh tea leaves to consume. Here are the steps to prepare Pu-Erh tea. Place 3 -4 grams of Pu-Erh tea leaves into the strainer of a teapot; Pour boiled water into the teapot and swirl it around a bitPu-erh is an aged, fermented tea that comes from the Yunnan province in China. Pu-erh tea is unique because it’s made from a natural fermentation process. This process oxidizes the plant’s …Pu-erh tea is a unique type of fermented tea produced in certain parts of China and provides a range of health benefits for those who regularly consume it. There are a number of types of pu-erh tea, including both raw and ripe varieties. The raw type is typically sun-dried and compressed and is the …Pu-erh tea can be purchased as loose leaf tea or in solid forms such as bricks, cakes and balls. If your pu-erh tea is the loose leaf variety, simply prepare as you would any other loose leaf tea. If your pu-erh tea comes in a brick, cake or ball, break off small amounts depending on how many cups you are making.If you drink Pu-erh at the wrong times, it is said that it will actually cause you to gain weight instead. The best time to drink a cup of Pu-erh tea for weight loss goals is one hour after a meal, so that the Pu-erh tea can remove excess grease and help your body eliminate unwanted and leftover, hard-to-digest fats.Pu-erh tea (also commonly known as ‘puer,’ ‘pu’er,’ ‘po lei’ and ‘bolay’ tea, and known as ‘dark tea’ or ‘black tea’ in China) is a semi-rare type of tea that is made in Yunnan, China. In the West, pu-erh tea is known for its health benefits, but there are many misconceptions about pu-erh’s flavor, processing, and other attributes.And forgers started blatantly copying successful brands’ packaging to dupe unsuspecting consumers. … cakes of pu-erh all over China and across … that makes its way into tea culture, but good …