Chinese tea leaves health pu erh tea detox weight loss tea

According to this source, “Pu-erh tea ( also spelled Pu’er ) is a kind of healthy beverage, which not only has a long history of Chinese tea, but can help us reduce fat and lose weight. The cooked tea can keep the stomach fit and warm it, while the fresh tea has a better effect on weight loss than the cooked tea, on account of its strong taste.Want to know more about health benefits of Pu-Erh tea? Here are 13 reasons why Pu-Erh tea is good for your health. Health Benefits of Pur-Erh Tea. 1. Detox your body toxins. Pu-Erh tea help break down and eliminate body toxins. This includes toxins known to contribute to weight gain.4. Pu Erh Tea in weight loss . Pu erh tea is seriously unreal for the earthy taste and for its phenomenal benefits. This tea is one of the perfect slimming tea in the Chinese inventions. The Chinese people spend a lot of time perfecting teas. There are several other teas like Oolong, white, red, yellow and green tea which can help you to slim down.The authentic Pu-erh Tea can only be made with a concrete variety of large leaf which is located in the Yunnan region, China and the borderlands of Burma and Laos. In Europe, the Pu-erh is popularly known as red tea, but in reality, the world of Pu-erh is much broader and interesting. In the west, it is known as red tea (such as its color).Pu-erh tea is a unique type of fermented tea produced in certain parts of China and provides a range of health benefits for those who regularly consume it. There are a number of types of pu-erh tea, including both raw and ripe varieties. The raw type is typically sun-dried and compressed and is the …Pu-Erh tea comes from the leaves of the plant camellia sinensis like all other teas. However, it goes through a unique process of oxidation and fermentation. However, it goes through a unique process of oxidation and fermentation.To achieve any weight loss, you’ll still need to exercise regularly and eat healthy foods. Pu-erh tea also encourages your body to produce the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which work to reduce stores of fatty acids. Drink one cup of pu-erh tea after a meal once or twice a day to reap the health benefits that aid in weight loss. 7 …Buy premium Japanese Pu Erh Tea Online Today. It’s a Japanese Diet Tea that is healthy and helps customers in natural weight loss. Japanese Green Tea Company (800-380-7030) products are gluten-free, sugar-free, GMO-free. Enjoy the ultimate tea made with a combination of tradition and the latest Japanese technology.