Yunna Chi Tse Beeng Tea-PU-erh Cake Tea
Pu-erh tea listed by cakes, visit this page for raw Sheng Green Pu-erh Beeng Cha, ripe Cooked Shu Tea Cake and Chitsu Pingcha, Menghai Chi Tsu bingcha Authentic Pu-erh tea delivered directly to your door from Yunnan, China.Name: Yunnan chi tse Pu-erh Tea Cake / Pu’er Beeng tea Origin : Yunnan, China. Grade: good It means that, though not the top (best). But it is also of high quality and high-grade. State : Raw, Uncooked Ingredients: 100% Organic Puer tea leaves Net Weight: 357 grams (12.5 ounces) Taste : This Pu erh Tea liquid is a bright orange colour with a pure fragrance and a strong and mellow flavour.2007 Ancient Arbor Chi Tse Beeng Pu-erh Tea Cake 400g (Ripe) – One of the Top Ten Puer Tea Brands in China Natural & Organic Yunnan Ripe Pu’er Tea Cake Gu Shu Cha Tea …Puerh Pu-erh Tea Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha 12.5oz/357g P053 Chitsu Pingcha Ripe. Net Weight : 357g. 357g Chitsu Pingcha Ripe. It affords a bright red-yellow liquid with pure aroma and fine taste, and is characterized by a sweet after taste all its own.NET.WEIGHT: 357g Origin: Yunnan province, China Producted: 2004 Type: ripe puerh cake Black or “Shou”: (also called ripe, cooked tea) YUNNAN CHI TSE BEENG CHA Pu-erh is an unusual large-leafed oolong with a characteristic earthy flavor. The color is very dark, almost red. Although this is unusual for most tea, Western tea drinkers ought to keep in mind Oriental Tea Store | Buy Original …Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha. Edited May 31, 2010 by Non. Share this post. Link to post Share on other sites. Ryan T. … Well I got the yellow label pu erh cake. Not sure what yellow label means. … Yunnan is one of the better provinces to get that type of tea from if not the best. actually thats because the tea is from Yunnan province, but …What to do with this Pu erh. Was gifted from a friend in Hong Kong this massive cake (357 grams) of Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha, looks like a yellow label of some sort, surrounded by red circle in rectangle shapes. I’ve got so much tea I’m trying to sip down right now and also working through a heart condition, so need to slow down anyway.2001 Yunnan “Hong Tai Chang” Chi Tse Ripe Pu-erh Tea Cake, QiZi Cooked er Beeng Cha 357g 鸿泰昌普洱熟饼The tong, 7 tea cakes tied in a piece of bamboo, is the packaging of choice for the collector and puerh amateur. Where this habit is from? What mean the Chi Tse Beeng Cha we find inscribed on many cakes? Why to packs puerh tea in tong tong and why we continue to prefer this packaging today? Here to answer these questions, a little trip into the world of Chi Tse Beeng!