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Wu-Yi Tea is not only great for weight loss and cleansing, did you knowthat it is one of the best beverages you can drink for your health9 Study after study shows that tea and more specifically wu–yi tea, isnot only considered a slimming tea, but one of the best drinks for yourlong term health.Wu Yi Teas, Wu Yi Teas Suppliers Directory – Find variety Wu Yi Teas Suppliers, Manufacturers, Companies from around the World at sultan tea ,tea box ,tea set, Slimming Tea. MENU MENU .com. English Sourcing Solutions … Help & CommunityWu Yi Shan has a long history of producing famous tea. Nothern Fujian ascended to fame as the foremost tribute tea producing region during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD) when the fields and factories of the region were recognized as the producer of the nation’s best quality tea and hosted the epicenter of the government controlled tea industry.The benefits of drinking Wu-Yi Tea has been known to help with: Weight Loss Cholesterol Energy and Metabolism Prevention of heart disease and strokes Fighting the aging process Preventing Cancer and help with infections Promoting healthy bones and skin Reducing the effects stress has on the body Reduce the effects of hypertension Reduce the effects of Type II Diabetes.The reason that multiple types of tea were used was to evaluate whether fermented teas are as effective at reducing cholesterol as those that are not fermented. Wu Yi Tea is completely unfermented, Jasmine tea is mildly fermented, and Wu Yi Tea and Iron Buddha are semi-fermented. Pu-erh is a fully fermented tea.Save on Wu-Yi Ultra Cleanse Decaf Tea Apple Cinnamon by Wu-Yi Tea Company and other Detox & Cleansing Teas, Teas, Detox & Cleansing Teas and Eco Friendly remedies at Lucky Vitamin. Shop online for Detoxification & Cleansing, Teas & Coffee, Food & Snacks, Wu-Yi Tea Company items, health and wellness products at discount prices.Start Losing Weight Today The Natural Delicious and Safe Way with our FAT BURNER WELLNESS TEA BLEND Our Fat Burner wellness tea blend is a powerful blend created especially for those who wish to cut body fat! This blend includes the most powerful teas that are proven to cut fat naturally and easily in. Product #1651.As a result, we are pleased to offer you the fine handcrafted and organic teas from Art of Tea, of which Learn-About-Tea.com. So shop for these unique and delightful teas by clicking on the tea links above. Your purchase will be made through the Art of Tea website. Disclosure: Art of Tea is a separate entity from Learn-About-Tea.com.Pu-erh Tea. Pu-erh tea is a special variety ofCamelia sinensis (the tea plant) with large leaves. This is the same plant usedfor green or black tea, but it comes from Pu’er county in China and thus thename. The tea is also known as Pu’er, Puer or Bolay tea. Usually, pu-erh tea is left toripen, and that sort of aged tea is known as shu pu-erh tea..com offers 129 raw fat diet products. About 31% of these are slimming tea, 1% are dietary fiber, and 1% are promote digestion. A wide variety of raw fat diet options are available to you, such as dietary fiber, slimming tea.