mini natural puer raw yunnan puerh tea

Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 9pcs Mini Different Flavours Chinese Puerh Puer Pu-Erh Pu erh Tea Raw Ripe at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!Buy raw pu erh tea cakes, tuocha and bricks online. Browse our large collection of sheng puerhs at affordable prices. … Mini Yunnan Tuocha Tea Mix. … 2018 Wuliangshan Raw Organic Pu Erh Tea Cake 357g. A raw pu erh tea cake that takes quality to the next level. This tea cake complies to the EU, US, Japanese and Chinese organic standards.10 kinds of Different Flavors Tea Chinese Top-Grade Raw and Cooked Pu’Er Tea, Yunnan Puer tea, Slimming Mini Pu’erh Tuocha. Original Flavor Mini Cooked TuoCha. Original Flavor Mini Raw TuoCha. Lotus Leaf Flavor Mini Cooked TuoCha.Hot Sale Premium Yunnan Puer Tea,Free shipping 100g Ripe Puerh Tea,Chinese Mini Yunnan Tuocha,Old Tea Tree Materials Pu erh 100% Natural Green Food No Any Artificial Addictives or Chemical AdditivesPuer tea originates from Yunnan province, dating back to the 4th century. It has dynamic terroir and taste flavor profiles, a complex aging process, and has attributes similar to fine wine. Puer tea has two subcategories, raw puer (sheng puer in Chinese) and cooked/ripened puer (shu puer).Pu-erh tea is made from Yunnan large-leaf varietal of Camellia Sinensis. It is typically processed into compressed cakes, bricks and tuos. Pu-erh is particularly special because it can be aged for decades or longer, always changing and (in most cases) developing more depth and texture. Raw Pu-erh (生茶) is the traditionaMini Pu erh tuocha. Pu erh tea is an important part of the Yunnan culture. For a beginning pu erh tea explorer there is definitely a long way to go in order to fully appreciate the complexity of this type of tea. Sip and feel its richness in taste that evolves after each steep and imagine the history that is within this tea.This Raw Pu-erh Mini Tuocha is made from Pu-erh leaf compressing with Jasmine petals to produce these gorgeous miniature Pu-erh tea cakes. The Jasmine lends a light and sweet floral note to the fresh raw Pu-erh flavors, complimenting the Pu-erh perfectly and creating a unique flavor profile.Pu-erh tea is a unique type of fermented tea produced in certain parts of China and provides a range of health benefits for those who regularly consume it. There are a number of types of pu-erh tea, including both raw and ripe varieties. The raw type is typically sun-dried and compressed and is the …

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