Kakoo yunnan post-fermented loose puerh tea

Ripe (Shu) PuErh. In 1973 a factory in Kunming (Yunnan) borrowed techniques to make fermented tea (Hei Cha) from other provinces (Hunan and Guangxi) and applied it to PuErh tea. I am not sure if this was an attempt to imitate the ageing process but the results were a completely different tea to an aged Raw PuErh.Authentically crafted and aged in Yunnan from large-leaf tea trees, TeaVivre’s loose pu-erh tea brews up into a delicious liquid with a uniquely strong, earthy flavor and rich, dark color, distinct from all other Chinese teas. Pu-erh is a category of post-fermented tea, and is sometimes classified as ‘dark tea’.Pu-erh Tea. A subcategory of dark tea, or heicha, pu-erh is a post-fermented tea made from Yunnan Province. This tea is often aged, which mellows and refines its flavor and character. It is made either as loose leaf or pressed into a myriad of shapes, such as round cakes , rectangular bricks, and a birds’ nest bowl .Pu-erh tea can be purchased as loose leaf tea or in solid forms such as bricks, cakes and balls. If your pu-erh tea is the loose leaf variety, simply prepare as you would any other loose leaf tea. If your pu-erh tea comes in a brick, cake or ball, break off small amounts depending on how many cups you are making.Pu-erh tea (also commonly known as ‘puer,’ ‘pu’er,’ ‘po lei’ and ‘bolay’ tea, and known as ‘dark tea’ or ‘black tea’ in China) is a semi-rare type of tea that is made in Yunnan, China. In the West, pu-erh tea is known for its health benefits, but there are many misconceptions about pu-erh’s flavor, processing, and other attributes.Puer, formally spelled as Pu’er (pǔ-ěr) 普洱, aka Po Lei, Bolay, Pu-erh, Pu Er, Chinese restaurant tea etc, is by far the most known dark tea that is a large subcategory in itself.This article serves as a general introduction to the varieties that are most seen and consumed: the modern loose leaf tea that is post-fermented using a wu-dui process.Pu-erh tea pronounced “Poo Air” is a post-fermented black tea produced in Yunnan province. Post-fermentation is a process where tea leaves undergo a microbial fermentation process after the leaves are dried. Our wide selection of pu-erh tea consists of both loose leaf as well as compressed tea cakes and bricks.Pu-erh tea is an earthy-flavored type of post-fermented tea that originates from the Yunnan province of China. According to the scientific journal Molecules , the traditional method of creating pu-erh tea involves first parching crude green tea leaves and then doing a second fermentation with microorganisms.This tea cake is made by Haiwan tea factory, which is one of the most popular pu-erh tea factory in Yunnan province. This cake is a collectible green Pu-Erh tea cake for pu-erh tea drinkers, because it use very high grade of leaves to composed. It has balance and strength with honey notes. Rich floral and fruity aroma.Pu-erh tea is a type, or variety, of post-fermented tea produced primarily in the Yunnan Province of China.. Pu-erh tea is very unique type of tea which tastes better as it ages. Again, Pu-erh tea is a post-fermentation tea, which is a particular type of producing teas in which the tea leaves undergo a fine process of microbial fermentation after the tea leaves are dried and rolled. P