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Pu-erh tea is unique because it’s made from a natural fermentation process. This process oxidizes the plant’s leaves, amplifying its antioxidant benefits. The tea also offers a number of …Organic Japan Pu Erh Tea This award-winning organic tea is Japan’s version of the famous fermented tea from China. Pu-erh (also spelled pu’er or pu’erh), a city located in the Yunnan Province of China, is the namesake of pu-erh tea, the most famous subset of Chinese heicha (dark tea).Pu-erh Tea Weight Loss #2: Catechins and Caffeine This question has been the subject of many scientific studies, and it is well established that the most powerful tea compounds are catechins and caffeine.Drinking Pu erh Tea weight loss– The Most Effective Way To Lose Weight . Pu erh is a special tea that is derived from the stem and the leaves of camellia sinensis plant. It is also used for producing black, oolong and green tea. For a very long time, tea has been used as a stimulant by many people.In China, a pu-erh tea is known as a post-oxidized tea.. What this means is that while in the factory, it is made with minimal oxidation. This is achieved by applying heat to the leaves early in the tea-making process, which kills the leaf enzymes and stop the leaves from oxidizing.9 Health Benefits of Pu-erh Tea Pu-erh tea (pronounced poo·air), is named from the town of Pu Er in Yunnan province. Pu-erh tea is derived from the leaves and stems of the Camellia sinensis when its leaves undergo microbial fermentation and oxidation process.Pu-erh tea is a unique type of fermented tea produced in certain parts of China and provides a range of health benefits for those who regularly consume it. There are a number of types of pu-erh tea, including both raw and ripe varieties. The raw type is typically sun-dried and compressed and is the …Popular in Japan for centuries, matcha tea has become a popular health drink in the Western world over the last few decades. With health benefits ranging from increased weight loss and prevention of heart disease, drinking matcha tea can be a delicious way to stay healthy.Drinking tea has been linked to many health benefits, including weight loss. This article focuses on the 6 best teas to lose weight and belly fat.Current research on humans, rodents, and cell lines have each confirmed that pu-erh tea helps with weight loss and can also lower levels of blood lipids. Drink Up, Slim Down Whether tea is a substitute for high-calorie drinks, a key influencer of body metabolism, or simply a tasty beverage, studies are proving that it’s a smart addition to …