chinese natural health raw puer tea for drinks lower blood pressure

What Drinks Are Good to Lower Blood Pressure? The key to lower high blood pressure is an overall healthy lifestyle that includes a diet high in potassium and magnesium, low in sodium, rich in antioxidants that feature some fruit, and an abundance and variety of vegetables, with some being raw.The Best Teas to Lower Your Blood Pressure. We have already published an article on natural methods of reducing your blood pressure. This article will look specifically at teas that can help bring your blood pressure under control while benefiting your health in plenty of other ways at the same time.Raw Pu-erh Tea: Raw Pu’er tea offers rich and full-bodied taste, containing high content of tea polyphenols. Studies have shown that tea polyphenols can inhibit the synthesis and differentiation of fat cells, at the same time maintain stable levels of fat and sterols in the blood, helpful for losing weight and preventing obesity.Drinking tea for high blood pressure is a simple and natural means of preventing the negative symptoms of hypertension.. What is High Blood Pressure? High blood pressure is a very common health condition in which the force of your blood pushing against the blood vessels is too high. When your blood vessels and arteries are more dilated, there is less force required to move the blood through …Pu-erh tea may be a great way to boost your overall health and add more variety to your tea cabinet. Although it’s safe to drink in moderation, you should check with your doctor if you have an …Health drinks and organic herbal drinks are getting more popular in the West. See what Chinese have been drinking for good health for centuries. Here are the top 10 natural and traditional herbal drinks you’ll find in China that are the healthiest for you. Other than water, green tea is the most …Setting aside a few moments to drink a cup of pu-erh tea can help you relax and refocus before getting back to work energized. 2. Promotes a Healthy Heart . By drinking one cup of pu-erh tea a day, you can help to lower your risk of heart disease while enjoying a delicious, soothing beverage.Stinging nettles are known to lower your blood pressure, so add nettle tea to your diet if you suffer from hypertension. It may influence the strength of blood pressure medications, however, so consult your physician or natural medicine practitioner for advice on the correct amount of tea to consume.Some studies have shown that pu-erh may lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and increase metabolism. Pu-erh is occasionally touted as a ‘diet tea,’ but like all teas, we don’t recommend consuming it as a magical weight loss tool, but rather as an enjoyable part of a healthy diet.