Chinese culture puer tea with high quality life art of drink tea

Tea is the national drink in China. In addition to its prominence in Chinese culture, tea also claims many health benefits, making it a popular drink worldwide. There are several types of Chinese tea, which vary in degree of fermentation and processing. The main classes of Chinese tea discussed …A perfect tea needs to be prepared with the perfect water. The best quality tea leaves prepared with inappropriate water give a bad taste to the tea. For the traditional Chinese tea ceremony only the purest and cleanest water is used to ensure not only a perfect tasting beverage, but also a tribute of respect and admiration to mother nature.Chinese tea culture refers to how tea is prepared as well as the occasions when people consume tea in China. Tea culture in China differs from that in European countries like Britain and other Asian countries like Japan , Korea , Vietnam in preparation, taste, and occasion when it is consumed.TEA FRESHNESS. Tea is a seasonal crop. It is only as good as its freshness. At The Tao of Tea, freshness is one of our foremost guiding principles. The spring season in tea is generally April – May. It takes about a month for many of our teas to reach our facilities in Portland. Spring is good for Green teas, and lighter black teas.Tea is one of the most popular drinks enjoyed around the world. Americans drink up to 80 billion cups of tea a year while their Canadian neighbors drink almost 10 billion cups of tea a year (1,2).. Since tea is often praised as a healthy drink, The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) decided to investigate whether or not the most popular tea brands contained traces of pesticides in their …Explore art of tea, an organic online tea shop with a wide variety of loose-leaf & packaged teas, teaware, tea gifts & more. Shop teas today!Brick tea is made from green tea or black tea and is pressed into blocks. This kind of tea is popular with minority people in many border regions. Just like coffee, tea is part of daily life in China. Chinese are very critical about tea. People have high requirements about the quality of the tea, the water and the tea accessories.

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