black tea organic pu-erh black tea export to indian

Indian Black Tea Himalayan teas are a great alternative to expensive single-estate Darjeelings. While they are not grown within the Darjeeling district itself, Himalayan teas exhibit the same light, refreshing flavor as do the teas from their more prestigious neighbors.This fine organic and Fair Trade Certified Indian black tea hails from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, in the southern tip of the Indian peninsula grown amid lush rain forests. The infusion boasts a bright body with tangy sweet-n-sour notes that evaporate quickly in the mouth with medium astringency. The leaves are bio dynamically grown on one of the first tea plantations to be certified …We sell the finest Organic Sheng Pu’er tea (raw green tea) and Shu Pu’er (ripened black tea) made from sun-dried Shaiqing Mao Cha Green Tea. Pu’er tea has a unique bold and earthy character, and we offer various grades of both sheng and shu pu’er types, all of which are tailor-made for us.The enormity of this tea-growing area encompasses a varied topography and climate, making Yunnan an important supplier of diverse black and green teas, and the true, historic origin of Pu-erh. Yunnan is one of Tea Trekker’s favorite places in China, and so is its tea.At iN-TEA we specialize in bringing you the best teas from the most remote corners of the world and fitting you to a tea that meets all your tea needs.Indian tea traditionally included a variety of black teas, made from both main varietals of the tea plant. The Assam varietal (Camellia sinensis assamica), comprises most Indian teas, with the exception of Darjeeling, which is made from the China varietal (Camellia sinensis sinensis).Assam tea leaves are characterized by large leaves.Organic Black Tea. From organic Darjeeling to organic English Breakfast to Assam, our organic black teas take on the rich, robust flavors and characteristics of their origin.India is a powerhouse producer of exquisite tea that range from spicy and crisp, to fruity and flavory, and hearty and strong. India black teas and Europe have a long history together, and these teas have earned a place at the top of the ‘favorites’ list among many Western tea drinkers.Black tea is a classic around the world and a universal beverage that speaks many languages. Our extensive selection of high quality organic black teas are rich with penetrating flavors and contain caffeine. This handsome tea is worthy of all our esteem and veneration because it comes to us …